Today when I was mowing the lawn around my lake, What did I see?
A WOMBAT! I dont know who this belongs to but you better come get him fast.
Me and him becoming friends fast.... Oh! Never mind she is pretty cool she can stay.
I am Wearing a cute camo outfit, The Anders Camo from Raspberries
My Hair is Ivy blond with bangs (curly set) from Stealthic
Mt Tweenster Dirty Combat boots are from Punksters Destiny
Wombat is a Fnordian Security Wombat v2.1 and he likes to eat waffles.
Anders Camo comes in ...get this
Balmy Blue
Steel Gray
Flamingo Pink
Saffron Yellow Fatpack with all colors
"Gotta love Kira"
They come in TD Baby, Bebe Toddler
and Tweenster
Here is your taxi to get this outfit