Dates running are Feb 27th to March 21st. your ride to: DFS HOME & GARDEN
DFS farming takes a lot of work but if you have a clicky its not half as hard.
This is a Home & Garden Gnome Clicky that you can get at the Expo. I'm lovin it!
On my head is the DFS Stat Stuffy - Rainy Springs (rainbow) and there 3 different ones to choose from. So if you wanna show off your stats just click on this cute stuffy and bam !
This and more can be found at the Home & Garden Expo
Digital Farming Systems is a super rp fun way to spend quality time with your family and others in the community. There is community kitchens, great shops, Fishing tournaments and auctions..
To learn go to DFS WEB SITE
or in World go to the DFS Main Store
See you all at the Expo and have a super great RP adventure.